Sunday, February 17, 2013

Eternity of Pagume 6

Eternity of Pagume 6 The day Pagume 6 is eternal because about 0.04107 seconds of Pagume 6 does recur per minute. The day Pagume 6, like all other day, has 24 hours in which the day has 1440 minutes (=24*60) or 86,400 seconds (=1440*60). The day Pagume 6 is the leap year day. Leap year day means the day recurs once in every four years. The number of days of four years is 1461 (=365.25*4). In the Ethiopian calendar system 1461 days is equal to the sum of 365 days of three ordinary years and 366 days of leap year (=365*3+366*1). We know two quantities:-the number of seconds of Pagume 6 is 86, 400, and the number of days of four years is 1461. Therefore, we inquire and answer here what is the daily average number of seconds of Pagume 6?
We divide 86,400 seconds by 1461 days and the quotient is about 59.137577 seconds. This result shows that about 59.137577 seconds of Pagume 6 does recur per day. Besides, we are also able to determine that about 2.4640657 seconds of Pagume 6 (=59.137577 divided by 24 hours) does recur per hour. This shows that the quantity of the day Pagume 6 is about 2.4640657 seconds per hour. Finally we inquire and answer here also that what is the average number of seconds of Pagume 6 per minute? We divide 2.4640657 seconds of Pagume 6 by 60 minutes and get the quotient about 0.04107 seconds. This shows that about 0.04107 seconds of Pagume 6 does recur per minute. The law of Pagume 6 is an eternal.


  1. Today is Segno 18 Yekatit 2005 in the Tropics, when Monday 25 February 2013 is in the Temperates!

  2. Each category year has its own path. So that 3 categories of 4 years recurs every four years interval. What are the first 3 categories four years? Year 0 is category one, years 1 and 2 are category two and year 3 was category three.
    The path of category one is 0,4,8,…1996,2000,2004,…

    The path of category two are 1,5,9,…,1997,2001,2005,…
    The path of category three is 3,7,11,…,1999,2003,2007,….
    According to the truth of 3 categories of four years, Jesus was born in the year 0 of Meskeram 1, when September was 12.

  3. Week is a period of 7 days. there are 52 weeks in a year (7 days *52 weeks =364 days). Based on week measurement, 364 days is less than solar year days of 365 or 366. What is the day that left over from week of the year? Answer the day Pagume 5 in an ordinary year and two days of Pagume 5 and 6 in a leap year are remainders of the week.

  4. Equinox means the length of day and night are equal. The day equinox recur when the sun is overhead the equator. There are two equinoxes at the beginning of 2nd and end of 3rd seasons. Two equinoxes of the Tropics are different from equinoxes of the temperates. Two equinoxes of the tropics are called Meskeram 13 and Megabit 12; when they are called September 23 and March 21.
    Today is the second equinox day of the year.Equinox of the Tropics is different from equinox of the Temperates. That is why Today is Hamus 12 Megabit 2005 in the Tropics, when Thursday 21 March 2013 is in the Temperates.
