Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Discovering the tropics and re-discovering the temperates.

Discovering the tropics and re-discovering the temperates. A solar year of 365 or 366 days divided by a standard of 12 months is equal to 30 days and remainder 5 or 6 days. The remainder 5 or 6 days is called Pagume. But, fairly speaking, the economic model of Ethiopia and all other countries in the tropics is a model of 360 days in a year. Because, the economic model of Pagume is undiscovered. Undiscovered economics of Pagume is there is neither factors income nor income tax revenue during Pagume. Moreover, if there is factor income during Pagume there are no two complementary income tax schedules that use to plan,legislate, execute and audit income tax revenue from the broader and the broadest income tax bases (income of individual earned during 30 days of Nehase plus 5 or 6 days of Pagume). The government failurity to discover the Economics of Pagume is due to the fact that the concept of Pagume is known neither by any English dictionary nor by bilingual dictionary of English Amharic. As a result the Gregorian calendar seems to replace the Ethiopian calendar unnaturally and unscientifically. Therefore, both use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar in the entire tropics are false.
Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is false because the circumference of the current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours. Use of Gregorian calendar in the tropics is false, because the longer variations of day and night is the slower rotations of the temperates which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months were, are and will not recur in the tropics. Therefore, in addition ,we discovered that English is not time, it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days. But Pagume does use English to reveal the tropics compared to the temperates. Therefore, it is 5 or 6 faster rotations of the tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September is slower rotations of the temperates.
We also discovered that the image of Globe or Earth is on the hands of every individual and the eternity of Pagume 6. Finally we asserted that nothing is impossible about discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates.

Ethiopia cannot have its own calendar.

Ethiopia cannot have its own calendar.:
Ethiopia cannot have its own calendar.
The tropics that cover about 26.11% of our planet earth remain undiscovered. The tropics is undiscovered, because both use of Ethiopian calendar months only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar months in the tropics are unrealistic. Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is unrealistic, because the circumference of current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours (half part of Ethiopia is day and other half part is night). Use of the Gregorian calendar months in the tropics is unrealistic, because longer variations of day and night and extreme seasons of the temperates which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months were/are/will not recur in the tropics.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pagume 6 of the tropics, when 11 September of the temperates.

Pagume 6 of the tropics, when 12 September of the temperates.:
I innovated two Complementary Income Tax schedules to discover the economics of Pagume. I also discovered the tropics using the tropical solar year technology which is called the Ethiopian Calendar compared to the temperates solar time technology of Gregorian Calendar.My discovery has taken more than a decay.
Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian calendar is to the temperates.

Nevertheless, there are two serious problems. The first problem is that the tropics remain undiscovered. The second problem is that the temperate remain re-undiscovered. These two serious problems are observable, because of the fact that both use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar in the tropics are unrealistic. Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is unrealistic, because circumference of the current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours (half part day and other half night). Use of the Gregorian calendar months in the tropics is unrealistic, because longer variations of day and night, slower rotations and extreme seasons of the temperate which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months were/are/will not recur in the tropics.
We discovered that unity of Ethiopian calendar months and the tropics and that of Gregorian calendar and the temperates are the unities of theories and practices that demand practices. Therefore, discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates are very simple, because the knowledge of realities have no power hiding themselves. For example, today is 14 Tahisas 2005 of the tropics, when 23 December 2012 is of the temperates.
The above discovery and rediscovery do assert that use of Ethiopian calendar in the tropics and use of Gregorian calendar in the temperates are natural and scientific.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Pagume 6

Tahisas is different from December. Tahisas is a subset of Ethiopian calendar. It has a set of 30 days and the 4th month. When December is a subset of Gregorian calendar.It has a subset of 31 days and the 12th month.Therefore, 10 Tahisas 2005 is in the tropics, when 19 December 2012 is of the temperates. Today is one of the optimum days of the year. Because the sun is overhead at the tropic of Capricorn. So that it is the shortest daylight hour in the north and longest in the south. compared to 12 hours of the equator the temperates daylight hours are much longer than that of the tropics. as a result the optimum day of the tropics is called Tahisas 12, when the temperates is called December 21.

Tahisas is different from December. Tahisas is a subset of Ethiopian calendar. It has a set of 30 days and the 4th month. When December is a subset of Gregorian calendar.It has a subset of 31 days and the 12th month.Therefore, 10 Tahisas 2005 is in the tropics, when 19 December 2012 is of the temperates. Today is one of the optimum days of the year. Because the sun is overhead at the tropic of Capricorn. So that it is the shortest daylight hour in the north and longest in the south. compared to 12 hours of the equator the temperates daylight hours are much longer than that of the tropics. as a result the optimum day of the tropics is called Tahisas 12, when the temperates is called December 21.

Today is one of the optimum days of the year. Because the sun is overhead at the tropic of Capricorn. So that it is the shortest daylight hour in the north and longest in the south. compared to 12 hours of the equator the temperates daylight hours are much longer than that of the tropics. as a result the optimum day of the tropics is called Tahisas 12, when the temperates is called December 21

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ethiopia does not have its own calendar.

Ethiopia cannot have its own calendar.:
Ethiopia cannot have its own calendar.
The tropics that cover about 26.11% of our planet earth remain undiscovered. The tropics is undiscovered, because both use of Ethiopian calendar months only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar months in the tropics are unrealistic. Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is unrealistic, because the circumference of current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours (half part of Ethiopia is day and other half part is night). Use of the Gregorian calendar months in the tropics is unrealistic, because longer variations of day and night and extreme seasons of the temperates which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months were/are/will not recur in the tropics.

enlightened beings: "If you have found your truth within yourself ther...

enlightened beings: "If you have found your truth within yourself ther...: "If you have found your truth within yourself there is nothing more in this whole existence to find. Truth is functioning through you....

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tahisas 12 is different from December 21.

Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that "Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec)". Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Empirically, I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of the Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar (1932-1999 EC). My finding was that Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian does to the temperates.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pagume 6 is looking for quality experts "prefered in education field"

looking for quality experts "prefered in education field"
The Ethiopian calendar months are different from the Gregorian calendar:

30 days of Meskeram is different from 30 days of September,
30 days of Tikimt is different from 31 days of October,
30 days of Hidar is different from 30 days of November,
30 days of Tahisas is different from 31 days of December,
30 days of Tir is different from 31 days of January,
30 days of Yekatit is different from 28 or 29 days of February,
30 days of Megabit is different from 31 days of March,
30 days of Miyazia is different from 30 days of April,
30 days of Ginbot is different from 31 days of May,
30 days of Sene is different from 30 days of June,
30 days of Hamle is different from 31 days of July,
 30 days of Nehase is different from 31 days of August, and
5 or 6 days of Pagume is different from 6 to 10 or 11 of September. 

Comparative and relative analysis of Ethiopian calendar months and Gregorian calendar months

Comparative and relative analysis of Ethiopian calendar months and Gregorian calendar months:

There are two real problems. The first real problem is that the tropics remain undiscovered. The second real problem is that the temperate remain re-undiscovered. These two real problems are observable, because of the fact that both use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar in the tropics are unrealistic.

Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is unrealistic, because circumference of current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours (half part day and other half night). Use of the Gregorian calendar months in the tropics is unrealistic, because longer variations of day and night and extreme seasons of the temperate which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months cannot recur in the tropics.

Thus, although people failed to recognize that Ethiopia’s calendar months are belong to the tropics, we discovered that unity of Ethiopian calendar months and tropics and rediscovered unity of Gregorian calendar and temperates are the unities of theories and practices that demand practices.

Therefore, discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates are very simple, because the knowledge of realities have no power hiding themselves. For example, today Nehase 7 of 2004 of Ethiopian calendar recurs in the tropics, when August 13 of 2012 of Gregorian calendar recurs in the temperate.

The above discovery and rediscovery do assert that use of Ethiopian calendar in the tropics and use of Gregorian calendar in the temperates are natural and scientific.

Ethiopian calendar months are neither ancient nor new

Ethiopian calendar months are neither ancient nor new:
Ethiopian calendar months are neither ancient nor new.
Fassil Tassew Ethiopian calendar are neither ancient nor new. Thus, these who are not using the Ethiopian calendar months in the tropics are not only against themselves but also the tropics of the universe. Therefore, acting as leaders of the world without discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates is neither civilized nor scientific.
Henok Leul • Brother have you ever read ancient books about Ethiopian calendar please try ”Abushaher”
Fassil Tassew • Yes I have read it critically.

Henok, what is wrong with new discovery that Ethiopian calendar is an eternal calendar of the tropics. Besides, don’t you know one day is one rotation of earth? Thus Pagume is 5 or 6 faster rotations of the tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September is slower rotations of the temperates.
Fassil Tassew • Henok, your participation is highly appreciated. But do you know that there is neither factor income nor income tax revenue during Pagume in Ethiopia. Did the ancient calendar have series of 5 or 6 days of Pagume?
Henok Leul • Please continue your brilliant discussion ideas, I think you have a broader view than me so let’s continue our discussion about Ethiopian calendar by asking our selves about the early calendar. Do you think at the early seasons the calendar have different number of days arrangement as it is now about pagume off course I will share your idea but I think it is the better one to separate it b/c it makes us different at last please.
Fassil Tassew • Henok Leul, I don’t know why most people do agree that Ethiopian Calendar is ancient. Besides they agreed that it were the same as Julian calendar until 1582 G.C. But I do

disagree with their mistaken ideas because of the following three reasons.
First , Professor Ephrame Isaac asserted that Ethiopian calendar is neither Julian nor Gregorian. His contribution is great .

Second, from the solar calendar point of view Julian can be considered as ancient and that of Gregorian calendar has been considered as new since 1582.

Third; therefore, Ethiopian calendar is neither ancient nor new. Since, it is an eternal calendar of the tropics.

Innovating two compllementary Income tax schedules and discovering the Economics of Pagume

Innovating two complementary Income tax schedules and discovering the Economics of Pagume:
A general problem in today’s Ethiopia is the failure or unwillingness to discover income tax base for a period of Pagume. The non existence of income tax base for Pagume means that there is neither factors payment (wage/salary to labor, house rent income to the owner of capital building, profit to entrepreneur) nor income tax revenue from the source side of factors’ income. Therefore, in terms of both short run and long run periods, the personal income tax revenue of Pagume remains undiscovered. Because the current income tax schedules do only cover income tax base of common period (360 days=12 months times 30 days).

Nevertheless, the current income tax law verbally directs every employer how to treat the income tax base of Pagume.
“Employers have an obligation to withhold the tax from each payment to an employee, and to pay the withheld amounts to the Tax Authority the amount withheld during each calendar month, in applying preceding income attributable to the months of Nehassie and Pagume shall be aggregated and treated as the income of one month.”  Income tax law (2002) at 1873

The book also addresses concepts of universal fiscal year and income tax. Ethiopia’s fiscal year has a set of 12 months: 11 common months, each of 30 days and one special month of 35 and 36 days once in a leap year. Tax work is too technical and specialized. Therefore, operational concepts such as income tax brackets, optimum taxable income, marginal tax, total income tax revenue, average income tax and disposable income are explained in the book.

To derive the complementary income tax schedules for the special period of 35 and 36 days, the study multiplied the current income tax schedule by factors 1.1667(=35/30) and 1.2(=36/30) respectively. This exercise results in the first and second complementary income tax schedules. The first complements the common income tax schedule when the universal fiscal year has 365 days. But the second complementary schedule complements the common, when the universal fiscal year has 366 days. Therefore the study contributed two complementary income tax schedules to the current one, which could broaden the income tax bases. Broader and the broadest income tax bases yield more tax revenue to the government and disposable income to the tax payer.

Theories need to be tested by empirical work. Therefore, the second objective of the paper is to estimate and forecast universal personal income tax revenue based on the common and the new schedules. The actual personal income tax revenue data for a sample period of 1984-98 is collected from national budgetary accounts. The study generates the undiscovered personal income tax data form the actual data through dividing the actual by 360 days, and multiplying the result by 5 or 6 days. The study aggregates the actual and the generated undiscovered personal income tax revenue data to get universal data.

Therefore, the Common period PITRC, Undiscovered PITRP and Universal PITRU variables are linearly and separately regressed against time over a sample period of 1984-1998. The coefficient for each model is significant. The PITR forecast is made for the period 1999-2003. The findings show that the undiscovered personal income tax revenue increases as time increases.  The direct forecasts for universal PITR rises steadily using the log linear growth compared to a less gradual increase predicted using simple linear trend. Therefore, if the government amends and uses these two complementary schedules together with the common schedule, the forecast result shows that more tax revenue can definitely be mobilized.

Pagumetropics of Ethiopia

There are four seasons in the second quarter of the year. The period of the second season does cover 89 days. For the tropics it covers from the end of Meskeram 13 to Tahisas12, when from the end of September 23 to December 21 for the temperates. Therefore, Autumn does recur in the north temperate, when spring does in the south temperate. So the period of Autumn is symmetrical to the same of Spring. Simultaneously, Metsew does recur in the north tropic, when Tsedey does in the south tropic. So the period of Metsew is symmetrical to the same of Tsedey.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Discovering the microeconomics and macroeconomics of Pagume

NGS The Power of Compounding:
a). Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates:

 Although we are living in a digital age, about 26.11% of our land is called the tropics remain undiscovered. The tropics covers part of earth found between tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn. It remains undiscovered, because both uses of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar in the tropics are unrealistic. i) Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is unrealistic because the circumference of the current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours, ii). Use of Gregorian calendar in the tropics is unrealistic, because the longer variations of day and night is the slower rotations of the temperates which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months were, are and will not recur in the tropics

Therefore, in a digital age, use of Ethiopian calendar in the tropics and Gregorian calendar in the temperates are natural and scientific to discover the tropics and rediscover the temperates. To come up with this new world discovery and rediscovery, I used 1) 68 years data of Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar; 2) one year period from end of June 21 to June 21 for the temperates, and from end of Sene 14 to Sene 14 for the tropics. Thus relative and comparative analyses of them were made. Use of information technology in my discovery is great. So I inquire all people of the world to participate actively to the realization of my discovery and rediscovery.

b). Meskeram of the tropics is different from September of the temperates:

Meskeram that has a period of 30 days is the first month of Tropical calendar of Ethiopia.Whereas, September that has a period of 30 days is the 9th month of temperate calendar of Gregorian. When Meskeram is 1,September is 12 in category one and 11 in categories two and three.When September is 30, Meskeram is 19 and 20 in the first and others categories respectively.Moreover,when Meskeram is 30, October is 11 or 10. Thus the intersection of Meskeram and September is 19 and 20 days in category one and others categories respectively.

c). The Ethiopian calendar months are different from the Gregorian calendar:

30 days of Meskeram is different from 30 days of September,
30 days of Tikimt is different from 31 days of October,
30 days of Hidar is different from 30 days of November,
30 days of Tahisas is different from 31 days of December,
30 days of Tir is different from 31 days of January,
30 days of Yekatit is different from 28 or 29 days of February,
30 days of Megabit is different from 31 days of March,
30 days of Miyazia is different from 30 days of April,
30 days of Ginbot is different from 31 days of May,
30 days of Sene is different from 30 days of June,
30 days of Hamle is different from 31 days of July,
 30 days of Nehase is different from 31 days of August, and
5 or 6 days of Pagume is different from 6 to 10 or 11 of September.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pagume 6 of the Tropics, when September 11 is of the temperates.

a). Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates: Although we are living in a digital age, about 26.11% of our land is called the tropics remain undiscovered. The tropics covers part of earth found between tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn. It remains undiscovered, because both uses of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar in the tropics are unrealistic. i) Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is unrealistic because the circumference of the current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours, ii). Use of Gregorian calendar in the tropics is unrealistic, because the longer variations of day and night is the slower rotations of the temperates which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months were, are and will not recur in the tropics Therefore, in a digital age, use of Ethiopian calendar in the tropics and Gregorian calendar in the temperates are natural and scientific to discover the tropics and rediscover the temperates. To come up with this new world discovery and rediscovery, I used 1) 68 years data of Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar; 2) one year period from end of June 21 to June 21 for the temperates, and from end of Sene 14 to Sene 14 for the tropics. Thus relative and comparative analyses of them were made. Use of information technology in my discovery is great. So I inquire all people of the world to participate actively to the realization of my discovery and rediscovery. b). Meskeram of the tropics is different from September of the temperates: Meskeram that has a period of 30 days is the first month of Tropical calendar of Ethiopia.Whereas, September that has a period of 30 days is the 9th month of temperate calendar of Gregorian. When Meskeram is 1,September is 12 in category one and 11 in categories two and three.When September is 30, Meskeram is 19 and 20 in the first and others categories respectively.Moreover,when Meskeram is 30, October is 11 or 10. Thus the intersection of Meskeram and September is 19 and 20 days in category one and others categories respectively. c). The Ethiopian calendar months are different from the Gregorian calendar: 30 days of Meskeram is different from 30 days of September, 30 days of Tikimt is different from 31 days of October, 30 days of Hidar is different from 30 days of November, 30 days of Tahisas is different from 31 days of December, 30 days of Tir is different from 31 days of January, 30 days of Yekatit is different from 28 or 29 days of February, 30 days of Megabit is different from 31 days of March, 30 days of Miyazia is different from 30 days of April, 30 days of Ginbot is different from 30 days of May, 30 days of Megabit is different from 31 days of March, 30 days of Miyazia is different from 30 days of April, 30 days of Ginbot is different from 30 days of May, 30 days of Sene is different from 30 days of June, 30 days of Hamle is different from 31 days of July, 30 days of Nehase is different from 31 days of August, and 5 or 6 days of Pagume is different from 6 to 10 or 11 of September.

The Ethiopian and Gregorian calendar. months are unlike!

The Ethiopian calendar months are different from the Gregorian calendar. 30 days of Meskeram is different from 30 days of September, 30 days of Tikimt is different from 31 days of October, 30 days of Hidar is different from 30 days of November, 30 days of Tahisas is different from 31 days of December, 30 days of Tir is different from 31 days of January, 30 days of Yekatit is different from 28 or 29 days of February, 30 days of Megabit is different from 31 days of March, 30 days of Miyazia is different from 30 days of April, 30 days of Ginbot is different from 30 days of May, 30 days of Megabit is different from 31 days of March, 30 days of Miyazia is different from 30 days of April, 30 days of Ginbot is different from 30 days of May, 30 days of Sene is different from 30 days of June, 30 days of Hamle is different from 31 days of July, 30 days of Nehase is different from 31 days of August, 5 or 6 days of Pagume is different from 6 to 10 or 11 of September.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates

Discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates Although we are living in a digital age, about 26.11% of our land is called the tropics remain undiscovered. The tropics covers part of earth found between tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn. It remains undiscovered because both use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar in the tropics are unrealistic. Therefore, in a digital age, use of Ethiopian calendar in the tropics and Gregorian calendar in the temperates are natural and scientific to discover the tropics and rediscover the temperates. To come up with this new world discovery and rediscovery, I used 1) 68 years data of Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar; 2) one year period from end of June 21 to June 21 for the temperates, and from end of Sene 14 to Sene 14 for the tropics. Thus relative and comparative analyses of them were made. Use of information technology in my discovery is great. So I inquire all people of the world to participate actively to the realization of my discovery and rediscovery.